Friday 12 June 2015

Red and yellow barbet Vs d' Arnaud's barbet.

D'Arnaud's Barbet (Trachyphonus darnaudii)  


French: Barbican d’Arnaud German: Ohrfleck-Bartvogel Spanish: Barbudo Capuchino
Other common names: Maasai/Masai/Usambiro Barbet (usambiro)
Taxonomy: Micropogon darnaudii Prévost and Des Murs, 1850, Kordofan, south Sudan.
Related to the T. margaritatus superspecies, but not very closely. Race usambiro sometimes considered a full species on basis of vocal and other differences, but one of two duet roles is identical to those of other races, and usambiro is no more distinct than are they. Nominate includes proposed race zedlitzi (L Baringo, Kenya). Four subspecies normally recognized.
Subspecies and Distribution:
  • darnaudii (Prévost & Des Murs, 1850) - SE Sudan and SW Ethiopia S to NE Uganda and WC Kenya.
  • boehmi Fischer & Reichenow, 1884 - S & E Ethiopia and S Somalia S to EC & SE Kenya and NE Tanzania.
  • usambiro Neumann, 1908 - SW Kenya to CN Tanzania.
  • emini Reichenow, 1891 - NC Tanzania (E to Dar es Salaam suburbs).

Red-and-yellow Barbet (Trachyphonus erythrocephalus)

French: Barbican à tête rouge German: Flammenkopf-Bartvogel Spanish: Barbudo Cabecirrojo
Taxonomy: Trachyphonus erythrocephalus Cabanis, 1878, Ukamba, south-west Kenya.
Forms a superspecies with T. margaritatus, with which sometimes thought conspecific; both rather closely related to T. darnaudii, less so to T. vaillantii. Proposed races gallarum (SC Ethiopia) and jacksoni (S Ethiopia to NC Kenya) probably represent intergrades of races shelleyi and versicolor. Three subspecies currently recognized.
Subspecies and Distribution:
  • shelleyi Hartlaub, 1886 - SE Ethiopia to NW & S Somalia.
  • versicolor Hartlaub, 1883 - NE Uganda and SE Sudan to S & CE Ethiopia and N Kenya.
  • erythrocephalus Cabanis, 1878 - C Kenya to NE & NC Tanzania. 

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