Monday 15 June 2015

White-eyed slaty flycatcher

The white-eyed slaty flycatcher (Melaenornis fischeri) is a small passerine bird of the genus Melaenornis in the Old World flycatcher family Muscicapidae. It is native to the African highlands from Ethiopia and Kenya through East Africa to eastern Zaireand Malawi. In Kenya, it is mostly absent from the east and the north of the country. It is a highland bird, common in wooded habitats, including gardens.
It is a very distinctive bird normally seen singly or in pairs. White-eyed slaty flycatchers are frequently spotted either hawking forinsects or taking them from the ground. They perch with an upright pose on branches, stumps, signposts.
The specific epithet commemorates the German explorer Gustav Adolf Fischer.
The middle pic is a juvenile flycatcher.
I saw it today outside the Animal Production Department,Upper Kabete Campus [UoN]

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